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KW Main Tutoring Page

Learn more about Kingwood tutoring!
Limited Math Schedule

For tutor schedules click "Math Tutoring", "Science Tutoring", or "Writing Tutoring" tab above

Learning Support at LSC-Kingwood offers FREE tutoring
in multiple disciplines

Math & Science Tutoring - Just walk-in to see a tutor

  • No appointment needed - Help available whenever tutoring is open. (see schedules for hours.)
  • No limits - Stay as long as you need, come as often as you want.
  • Limited online appointments available - See the tutoring schedules for specific information.

Writing Tutoring - By appointment only

  • Appointments are available now - Get an appointment for today or make one for up to a week from now
  • Make your own appointment - Create an account on WCOnline and make your own appointments or get help by calling tutoring reception at 281-312-1439
  • Choose the right tutoring format for you:
    • In-person: meet with a tutor in the Learning Commons (LIB 100) 
    • Online: meet with a tutor in WCOnline
A Few Notes about Online Tutoring 
  • To get the most out of online tutoring, you need to allow access to your microphone and camera when prompted. If you are not comfortable doing so, or do not have a webcam and microphone, the chat feature is be available during the appointment.
  • Your tutor will always meet and check-in with you on WCOnline, but may ask you to follow a link to another platform (such as WebEx or Zoom) to make your tutoring experience more efficient. 
  • If you have questions about WCOnline, please contact tutoring reception at 281-312-1439.


Math Walk-In Tutoring
Located in the Learning Commons (LIB 100)

Math Tutoring Hours

Monday 9 am - 3:30 pm
Tuesday  9 am - 5 pm
Wednesday 9 am - 3:30 pm
Thursday 10 am - 5 pm

Questions concerning tutoring? Call our service desk at 281-312-1439.



Science Walk-In Tutoring
Located in the Learning Commons (LIB 100)

Science Walk-in Schedule

Monday 9 am - 5 pm
Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm
Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm
Thursday 9 am - 5 pm

Questions concerning tutoring? Call our service desk at 281-312-1439.

Writing Appointment Tutoring
(In-person or Online)

Writing tutoring is by appointment only:

Same day appointments are available
Make appointments up to a week in advance

To make an appointment go to WCOnline or call Tutoring Reception at 281-312-1439

For help with WCOnline and its features, scroll down to the "Online Tutoring Policies and Help Documents" box 

In-person appointments meet in the Learning Commons (LIB 100)
Online appointments meet in WCOnline




Tutoring is located in the Learning Commons - LIB 100 (the bottom floor of the Library building)

Tutoring Reception Desk: for general questions about tutoring and WCOnline

Jenny Keller -  Specialist, Learning Support: for tutor questions regarding tutor schedules & students and community members that have questions about tutoring, and faculty inquiring about student attendance.

Charlotte Iserhardt - Learning Support Manager: for faculty inquiries regarding tutoring, and feedback about our services

Any Course, Any Campus!

LSC students can use tutoring services at any campus, regardless of the campus where their classes are housed.

Meet Our Tutors


WCOnline Help Documents

No-Show Policy

There is a limited number of appointments each day, and our No-Show Policy is designed to give anyone running a bit late the ability to see a tutor, while ensuring everyone has a chance to see a tutor when needed.

Anyone not signed into to their appointment within the first 10 minutes will be considered and documented as a “no-show” freeing up the appointment time for someone else to use.

  • WCOnline automatically sends a notification email after each no-show; after the third no-show, WCOnline automatically deactivates the account and sends a notification email.
  • Deactivated accounts cannot make appointments for any Learning Commons appointment-based service, but can still use services that are not appointment-based (walk-in tutoring, technology help, study spaces, etc.)

How to Avoid No-Shows and Account Deactivation

To avoid no-shows and keep your WCOnline account in good standing consider the following:

  • If you anticipate being more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, please call tutoring reception at 281-312-1439.
  • You can also cancel your appointment via WCOnline up to 15 minutes before your scheduled start time

Creating an account in WCOnline is easy and  only takes a few minutes. Once you have an account, you'll be able to schedule appointments with tutors, librarians, and our One Button Studio

1. Go to WCOnline (

2. Click on "register for an account"

3. Fill in the information.

4. Click "complete registration"

Creating an appointment on WCOnline is fast and easy!

1. Go to WCOnline (

2. Log in. Remember, your login information for WCOnline is not the same as your myLoneStar login information. If this is your first visit to WCOnline, you'll need to register for an account (see "Create an Account" tab for instructions).

3. Choose the correct schedule. Make sure you choose the right schedule for the type of help you need. 

4. Choose the person/service &  time for your appointment. Find the service provider (tutor, librarian, or One Button Studio) and click inside a white box 

5. Fill in the appointment form. Please answer all the questions as detailed as possible. This helps us be better prepared for your appointment

6. Click "Create Appointment". If you do not click "create appointment", your appointment will not be saved in the system. 

You should receive an email with further instructions shortly after your appointment has been made.

Writing Tutoring - Upload your assignment instructions and a copy of your essay. The assignment instructions will help the tutor understand the professor's assignment expectations. A copy of your essay gives the tutor an idea where you are in your writing process.

1. Download your assignment instructions from D2L and save it to an easy to find location on your computer. It's easiest to download it to the same place you have been saving your essay.

2. In the appointment form, click "choose file" and choose the files from the location you saved it. Your files will upload to the WCOnline appointment form.

3. After your files have been uploaded, add a title for the document, and click "create appointment." 

Cancel your appointment if:

  • You will be more than 10 minutes late
  • You no longer need the appointment

You can cancel your appointment in WCOnline or by calling Tutoring Reception at 281-312-1439

To avoid no-shows, appointments must be canceled at least 15 minutes

before the appointment start time. 

Tutoring Service Desk:

Learning Support Coordinator (Tutoring):

Specialist, Learning Support:

LSC-Kingwood Learning Commons | Ask Us: | Research and Tech Help: 281.312.1693 | Book Support: 281.312.1691 | Tutoring: 281.312.1439 | LIB 100, 20000 Kingwood Drive, Kingwood, TX 77339