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YouTube Video on Plagiarism

There are Four Different types of Plagiarism

CopylinksL 4 types of Plagiarism 

1. Direct Plagiarism: This is appropriating part of another work without attributing it to the originator. 

2. Mosaic Plagiarism: If a source is referred to but not directly mentioned or doesn't have quotations marks assigned. This may be unintentional, but still plagiarism.

3. Self-Plagiarism: This is where you quote yourself from another paper and don't give proper attribution, or simply resubmit a paper you wrote for another course and simply changed the front page without asking for permission from the instructor first, this is plagiarism.

Arkansas State: LibGuide on Plagiarism 

4. Ghost Writer: This is turning in someone else's work as your own. It is either purchasing it from a paper broker or off the internet, or your sister's girlfriend. DON'T DO IT! Professors are smart. you'll get caught. (Our emphasis)

What is Plagiarism?

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