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ENGL 1301: Can You Feel the Love?

This guide was created for Dr. Brinkman's English 1301: Composition & Rhetoric I, summer 6WI 2023.


Use the following databases to find resources to use to support your arguments in your essays and research project. If you are having trouble finding what you need, speak to a librarian. Options to contact a librarian are listed under the "Ask for Help" tab.


Below are a few examples of films you might use for your research project. You can also search some of our video databases on your own! 


LSC-Kingwood Learning Commons | Ask Us: | Research and Tech Help: 281.312.1693 | Book Support: 281.312.1691 | Tutoring: 281.312.1439 | LIB 100, 20000 Kingwood Drive, Kingwood, TX 77339