Works Cited
Artist's Last Name, First Name. Title of Art. Year Created. Location.
Artist's Last Name, First Name. Title of Art. Year Created. Location. Title of Book, by First and Last Names, Publisher, Year of Publication, Page.
Artist's Last Name, First Name. Title of Art. Year Created. Title of Site. URL.
In-Text Citation
(Artist's Last Name)
Works Cited
Van Gogh, Vincent. Starry Night. 1889. New York.
Van Gogh, Vincent. Starry Night. 1889. New York. Experiences of Art: Reflections on Masterpieces, by Hilda Werschkul, ORO Editions, 2017, pp. 146-7.
Van Gogh, Vincent. Starry Night. 1889. Artnet News.
In-Text Citation
(Van Gogh)
(Van Gogh 146-7)