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Learning Support: Tutoring Information & How-To Documents

Tutoring Reception communication platform.

Tutoring Policies

Appointment Tutoring Policies

For questions about Tutoring Policies,  contact Jenny

Appointment Limits

There are a limited number of appointments in a day and finite number of tutors. In order to ensure that everyone gets the equal time with tutors, appointments are limited to 30 minutes. Learning Support has policies regarding other appointment limits as well.

  • Anyone can book up to two 30-minute appointments per day, per discipline, up to 1 week in advance. For writing, these appointments cannot be back-to-back.
  • Tutoring reception and tutors may make additional appointments, up to a maximum of 120 minutes (a total of 4 (four) 30-minute appointments) per day (per discipline when applicable), with the following restrictions/guidelines
    • Cannot be made in advance.
    • Made within 10 minutes of an appointment start time and can only be made once it is clear no one else will be using the requested time slot (appointments must be grayed out in WCOnline) 
    • Note: Additional appointments are not guaranteed and can only be made by the service desk staff or tutor.

Making Appointments After Start Time 

Appointments can only be created within 10 minutes of an appointment’s start time (after the appointment is grayed out in WCOnline). When an appointment is created in this way, the appointment length is shortened to the remaining time in that given appointment slot.  

Make sure the appointment start and end time is indicated on the appointment information card and is relayed to the person making the late appointment.

Who Can Use Learning Support?

Note: LSC students are anyone with an LSC student ID number, regardless of their age.

In addition to any LSC students, tutors can also help LSC employees and community members.

  • Learning Support defines a community member as anyone 16 years or older.
  • Community members must bring their own materials (course work, test prep, etc.) with them for tutors to reference.

Use the chart below to enter the correct information in the “Student ID/Employee ID” box when creating a WCOnline accounts:

Individuals We Serve and ID Numbers


For ID number, enter


LSC Student

LSC student ID number

Anyone with an LSC student ID is considered a student. This includes dual-credit, continuing education, and Academy of Lifelong Learning students.



NOTE on employees who are also students:  Only use 99 if the employee is not signing in for help with an LSC class. 

Community member

“Community Member”

Anyone who is not a student or an employee is a community member. 


Must be at least 16 years old


If individual will need computer or Wi-Fi access, see additional requirements for Guest Access and Printing

Organizations or other types not listed

Refer to Charlotte


The Learning Commons no-show policy is designed to accommodate anyone running a few minutes late to their appointment while ensuring everyone has equal access to our appointment-based services: appointment tutoring, research & citation, and One Button Studio. 

What is a No-Show? 

no-show is anyone who does not sign in within the first 10 minutes of their scheduled appointment. After (3) no-shows WCOnline automatically deactivates their account.  

Documenting No-Shows 

To document a no-show, click the no-show box eleven (11) minutes after the appointment’s start time. This will cause the appointment to disappear. If a person shows up for an appointment after being marked a no-show, they must make a new appointment. 

For details about documenting no-shows, see WCOnline How-To: No-Shows

What is a Deactivated Account? 

Individuals with deactivated accounts cannot use any appointment-based service offered in the Learning Commons. However, they can use other non-appointment-based services including walk-in tutoring, library services, technology help, and use of study spaces. 

NOTE: Anyone with WCOnline administrator access can inadvertently create appointments for those with deactivated accounts. This is because deactivated accounts are not immediately noticeable, so take note of the following details to avoid inadvertently scheduling appointments. 

  • In the “Client & Records Management” search, deactivated accounts will be in red

  • In the “Create New Appointment” form, deactivated accounts appear normal but have the word “Deactivated” before their name.   

Notification Process 

Notifications will be sent by WCOnline after each no-show and when an account gets deactivated. We will also be sending a follow-up email to add a human element to the process.  These notifications are sent to the email on record in WCOnline. The notification process looks like this: 

  • 1st no-show – Notification is sent automatically by WCOnline 

  • 2nd no-show – Notification is sent automatically by WCOnline 

  • follow-up email is sent by tutoring reception  including tips and resources to avoid account deactivation 

  • 3rd no-show – Notification of account deactivation is sent automatically by WCOnline 

Account Reactivation 

Accounts are reactivated after a one-on-one meeting with Jenny. When someone asks for details, give them the ½ page no-show information sheet, and politely explain that everything they need to know is on that sheet. If any issues arise after they get this information, let Anne know.  

For students asking about the number of hours they have spent in tutoring have them email Jenny with the following information:

  • Name
  • Student ID number
  • Which discipline (math, science, or writing)

For faculty members who request records of their students attendance to tutoring, give them Jenny's contact information.

For students needing proof of attendance, you can create a client report for them and print it, or you can give them the Proof of Tutoring form below. 

LSC-Kingwood Learning Commons | Ask Us: | Reference: 281.312.1693 | Circulation: 281.312.1691 | LIB 100, 20000 Kingwood Drive, Kingwood, TX 77339