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Professional Development Online Teaching Resources

ContentExpertIconWe are content experts! Learn to capture that content expertise with the tools below.  

Lecture Capture/Record

Create beautiful graphics, web pages, and video stories – in minutes. A fantastic tool you OR students can use to create professional-looking presentations for information sharing. Just log in with your mylonestar email. Adobe Spark Resources for Educators (premade lessons/presentations)


How to create a TED-Ed lesson around any TED Talk, any TED-Ed Animation, or any video on YouTube - From the TED-Ed Team.

Step #1: Pick a video

  1. Visit
  2. Search for any video on YouTube, or simply paste the video's YouTube link (listed or unlisted) into the search bar.
  3. Select a video from the search results.

Step #2: Use the TED-Ed lesson editor to build your lesson

  1. Create a custom title for your lesson, or just use the title of the YouTube video.
  2. Use the "Let's Begin" section to add context for your learner(s).
  3. Add questions (multiple choice or open answer), extra materials (you can include links and pictures) or discussion topics to the video.(From Heather Scherr: Could use FlipGrid or other similar program to facilitate discussion via short recordings instead of writing on discussion board, if desired.)

Step #3: Publish and share your lesson!

  1. You can always revisit or revise any lesson draft or published lesson by visiting your TED-Ed activity page. There you can edit the settings and sections of your TED-Ed lessons at at any time.
  2. You can select whether to require your learners to access your lesson with a TED-Ed account or not. If not, students can create a simple nickname to identify their responses on your lesson page.
  3. You can share any published lesson privately via email or by using the lesson's unique URL. You can also share the lesson more publicly using the social sharing icons. Only individuals with the lesson's link will see your lesson.

If you're ready to get started, but you're not sure what video to use, there is an easy way for you and fellow educators to take the TED-Ed lesson creator for a spin. Simply visit the ever-growing library of featured TED-Ed Lessons, navigate to the subject area you teach, and adapt one of the pre-existing lessons to suit the needs of your learners. And if you ever get stuck, you can always check out or email us at for help.

How to Use Microsoft Teams to Meet with Students: 

Once you add your students to the team, You can send them the following instructions:

1- Go to

2- Login with your Lone Star Email

3- On the left side menu, click on Teams

4- You should find a "Team" named "your team name"

5-Introduce your self to the class ..

6- To download Desktop Version follow this link :

Message from Link Alander

A common theme right now is the issue of bandwidth (connectivity) at homes. There is a significant increase in home network traffic to the internet. Multiple carriers are reporting overloads on the neighborhood connections and trunk lines (super highways).  This is causing  traffic jams.


Think of this like our highways, the one lane roads connect to two lanes then the interstate, the reality is we have traffic Jams.  The best way around this is limit video traffic when doing conference calls if the meeting exceeds 25 connections. If you have a large meeting use the WebEx events connection at to set up this type of meeting. If you need assistance the Service Desk is open.

Please be aware that there have been instances of people "crashing" Zoom meetings and showing inappropriate content. See some tips on safeguarding your Zoom meeting here:

Screencast-O-Matic - A few quick clicks and you can easily record your screen and voice.


Streaming Videos

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