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Professional Development Online Teaching Resources

We own it by being one LSC!

D2L Introduction and Certification

3. Wrapping Your Head Around Online

Face-to-Face Activity

Online Alternative

Relevant Technologies

In-class lectures and presentations

Link to mini-lecture videos, audio files, and/or narrated presentations; or live lectures in synchronous mode via WebEx

TechSmith Relay



Library Streaming Videos



Small group discussions

Group discussions; or breakout sessions if using WebEx

D2L Groups

D2L Discussions

WebEx Breakout Sessions

Quizzes and Tests such as
 Scantron/multiple-choice/TF tests

Online quizzes with or without online proctoring options

D2L Create a Quiz

Convert a paper quiz using Respondus 4.0

Import a Publisher’s Testbank

Integrate a Publisher’s Site

Proctoring Options

Essay tests

Online quizzes; Submit digital files to an assignment folder

See options above for quizzes

D2L Assignment Folders


Content topics (Word, PDF, PowerPoint, Web Links, Video/Audio files)

D2L Content

In-class writing

Online discussions; Journals; Quizzes with essay questions; Submit digital files to an assignment folder

D2L Discussions

Private Discussions for Journaling

D2L Create a Quiz

D2L Assignment Folders

Group work

Group discussions; Chat; Submit digital files to a group assignment folder; or breakout sessions if using WebEx

D2L Groups

D2L Group Assignments

D2L Discussions

D2L Chat

WebEx Breakout Sessions

Explain examples or assignments

Explain in the description field of a module or assignment folder; Upload a file; Create a rubric; Create an explanatory video

D2L Content

D2L HTML Editor

D2L Rubrics

TechSmith Relay

Assign papers

Submit digital files to an assignment folder

D2L Assignment Folders

Require research at the library

Require online research at the library's website, incorporate online library instruction

Library Website

Library Services for Faculty

Hold office hours

Hold virtual office hours

WebEx or phone

Explain examples or assignments Explain in the description field of a module or assignment folder; Upload a file; Create a rubric; Create an explanatory video

D2L Content

D2L HTML Editor

D2L Rubrics

TechSmith Relay

Assign papers Submit digital files to an assignment folder D2L Assignment Folders
Require research at the library Require online research at the library's website, incorporate online library instruction

Library Website

Library Services for Faculty

Hold office hours Hold virtual office hours WebEx or phone

Table is based on the University of Houston Downtown’s Keep on teaching at UHD. (2020, March 16).

Build Your Modules & Content

The content tab is where students can access all their course material. It is best to arrange your course content by modules - preferably chronological (i.e. weekly) modules with components (files, assignments, discussions, quizzes) that are arranged in the order that students need to access/complete them.

Best practices:

  • Do this, not that
  • Name files, discussions, assignments, etc. intuitively for students. “Syllabus” is better than “Sp.20.Johnson.2301” for example. 
  • Add a “Help” box or module with links and contact information for VLAC, Online Tutoring, OTS (1-866-614-5014 or the Sevice Now portal) Publisher Tech help (if applicable), etc. If you wish to have Brainfuse added to your individual course, follow these steps: In addition to Brainfuse Online Tutoring, our face-to-face tutors are available online to help students! Please put a link to the LSC-Kingwood Tutoring page in your course. 
  • Add a personal touch by using the description area in modules to introduce weekly content, upload pictures/videos, and provide important reminders/checklists.
  • “Hide” modules that aren’t fleshed out yet:
  • Add a welcome announcement that points students to “Content” where they can find their course materials:

Do you deliver lectures in class? Upload your lessons into your weekly modules:

  1. Upload a file (PowerPoint, Document, video file, PDF, etc.):
  2. Add a YouTube video:
  3. Add a link (Prezi, external website, etc.):
  4. Add a third-party integration (publisher content: Wiley, McGraw-Hill, InQuisitive, ALEKS, etc.):

On the left-hand side, expand “third party integration” and select your tool from the list.

Do you collect work like papers, presentations, homework, etc.? In D2L you collect this work through Assignments (a.k.a dropboxes).

  1. Create an assignment and add it to the weekly module in Content:
  2. Create a group assignment:
  3. Edit an assignment:
  4. Attach a file to an assignment:
  5. Set availability and due dates for assignments:
  6. Using Turnitin or Grademark with an assignment:

The quiz feature in D2L will allow you to administer quizzes/exams. It can also be used to create homework. Quizzes can auto-grade!

D2L Help Video: Quizzes

  1. Create a quiz and add to the weekly module in Content:
  2. Add/edit quiz questions:
  3. Multiple choice:
  4. True/False:
  5. Multi-select:
  6. Randomize quiz questions:
  7. For students to view detailed quiz results (e.g., questions answered incorrectly), you will need to create a submission view for that quiz. Create a quiz view:
  8. Special access. Use this feature to exempt one or more students from the restrictions on dates, times, or number of attempts in a quiz. Use this to provide for ADA accommodations:
  9. Current options for online proctoring:
    1. Lockdown browser can force students to shut down all other windows and lock their screen when taking a quiz/exam. There is also an optional monitor feature that will record students:

Class discussions can still happen online.

9. Communicate with Your Students

Use the announcement tool ( email ( to contact students as needed.

Remember to come from a place of compassion and flexibility in working with our students. Many of them may be without internet, devices, childcare, etc. 

10. Build Your Gradebook

If your gradebook isn’t already in D2L, create it. Link grade items back to their discussions, assignments, and quizzes.

  1. Use the gradebook setup wizard:
  2. Difference between points and weighted gradebooks:
  3. Video walkthrough of setting up a weighted gradebook:

  1. Create gradebook categories:
  2. Create gradebook items:

11. Check Your Work

Check out your class from the student view to make sure everything looks right!

LSC-Kingwood Learning Commons | Ask Us: | Research and Tech Help: 281.312.1693 | Book Support: 281.312.1691 | Tutoring: 281.312.1439 | LIB 100, 20000 Kingwood Drive, Kingwood, TX 77339