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LSCS Libraries Guide to PHPLive Chat

Staff guide - do not share URL

Best Practices

  • When opening up a chat, first introduce yourself so the user knows with whom they're conversing.
  • Ask open-ended questions: Who, what, why, where, when.
  • Be professional -- don't use chat abbreviations, slang, etc.
  • Keep questions and comments short.
  • Send frequent feedback.
  • Be patient. The user may be on a slow computer.
  • Offer to wait while the user looks at the resources you've recommended.
  • End the chat with an invitation to return if they need more help.
  • For complicated reference questions or library instruction, sometimes it may be easier to handle over a phone call, or follow-up with an email. Make recommendations as needed.

Use a canned response

  1. ​​Select a canned response from the options provided in the dropdown list below the chat operator response box.
  2. Click on the 'select' button. This enters the text in the operator response box.
  3. Select the Submit button.
  4. Operators can enter canned responses that are specific to that operator only. 
  5. If you have a recommendation for a canned message that might benefit the entire system, please let your web committee representative know. The administrator must enter those.

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