Updates occurrences of diseases and conditions, and includes statistics for life expectancy, vaccinations, food borne diseases, leading health indicators and more. Make sure to scroll down the page to browse by disease or use tools like the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network
U.S. and international statistics on sexual and reproductive health, including contraception, pregnancy, abortion, HIV and sexually transmitted infections. Explore other work by the Institute for special reports.
The third leading cause of death in the U.S. is preventable injuries. The National Safety Council has been tracking household, workplace, automobile and other injuries and deaths since 1921. Their website includes U.S., as well as international data from the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organization.
Browse FastStats by topic or explore Data & Tools and Publications tabs to locate reports with data on vital statistics, life expectancy, general heath and health attitudes and more.
Portal to Reports, Tables and Data for traffic crashes of all types, fatalities, safety information and summaries of information from the various databases, such as the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS).
Nursing supply and demand forecasts, demographics, workplace violence reports and special reports. Select Data and Reports from the left menu for other data on hospitals, long term care and more.
Vital statistics, hospitalizations, patient safety indicators, medical licenses, injury statistics, major diseases, and drug & alcohol related statistics.
Explore the Resources menu for information and data on specific diseases and health issues, such as vaccination for Harris County residents. Many of the links to specific datasets point back to the Texas Department of State Health Services.
U.S. and international statistics on sexual and reproductive health, including contraception, pregnancy, abortion, HIV and sexually transmitted infections. Explore other work by the Institute for special reports.
The third leading cause of death in the U.S. is preventable injuries. The National Safety Council has been tracking household, workplace, automobile and other injuries and deaths since 1921. Their website includes U.S., as well as international data from the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organization.
Nonprofit organizations and professional annd trade associations collect and disseminate a wide range of statistics. Search for groups in your specialty if you do not see something related on this list.
Faculty and student demographics and nursing program statistics, featuring regular reports. Explore the website for professional development, some state workforce data, accreditation information and more.