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Teaching the Career Exploration Project

Faculty Guide

Throughout the semester you have been learning about how to be successful at college. Part of that is to do some personal exploration about yourself; to learn about your own personality, your values, and your goals. 

 You will tie together what you have learned in his final project as you explore a career of interest. You will write a paper about your career and present your findings to the class. 
-- Each tab of this guide will walk you through the a step of the project. --

Keep in Mind

Like any journey you may go on, it is useful have a road map. College is a time of discovery and exploration. It is helpful to find a field of study and to create a map that will help guide you to a fulfilling career and life. 

According to CareerFocus:

  • 25% of college freshmen are undecided about their major,
  • over 75% of college students will change their major at least once while in college. 

Choosing a career first, and then finding a major that will prepare you for that career will make your college experience more productive and worthwhile.

One reason to look at education and training after high school is because education can influence your full-time employability and salary. The U.S. Department of Labor shares this data from 2019.


"You've got to find what you love. . . Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do."

Stanford University Commencement Address, delivered by

Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple Computer 

June 12, 2005

NPR's TED Radio Hour provides some insight about our what makes us successful (March 21, 2014).

Heart and Brain

The Awkward Yeti: The Dreamer by Nick Seluk, 2014.

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