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English 2323: British Literature II

This guide was created for Dr. Brinkman's English 2323 class, spring 2023. Survey of British Literature - Romantic through the Present.

Short Research Assignment 1

In the 19th and 20th centuries, England engaged in a massive, worldwide imperial project. One of the countries they colonized was India. For this research project, you will look into the British colonization of India and think about how the literature below reflects colonial ideas.

  1. Conduct research into the British occupation of India.
  2. Read “Shooting an Elephant” (linked in the module)
  3. Read “An Immolation of a Hindoo Woman” (linked in the module)
  4. Write a research reflection about how the literature reflects or critiques colonial and imperial ideas.

Assignment structure:

  • Paragraph 1: Explain what imperialism and colonialism are.
  • Paragraph 2: Provide essential information about British colonialism in India.
  • Paragraph 3: Explain how “Shooting an Elephant” responds to British colonialism of India.
  • Paragraph 4: Explain how “An Immolation” responds to British colonialism of India.
  • Paragraph 5: Reflect on which piece of literature spoke to you the most and why.

Due 2/8/23. This will not be accepted late.

Due 2/8/23. This will not be accepted late.

Automatic Grades:
Academic dishonesty: 0
Too short: Less than 800 words = 50
Major Citation Error: No Works Cited page = 65

Grading Rubric
Category Point Value Notes
MLA Formatting 10 • Heading, header, title
• Indented paragraphs, double-spaced, no extra spaces
• 12-point Times New Roman
• In-text citations
• Works Cited page
Paragraph 1 18 • Provides a report about Imperialism and colonialism
• Defines the terms
• Cites sources appropriately
• At least 200 words
Paragraph 2 18 • Provides a report about British colonialism in India
• Cites sources appropriately
• At least 200 words
Paragraph 3 18 • Provides an analysis/reflection of how “Shooting an Elephant” responds to colonialism
• Cites Orwell’s text appropriately
• At least three sentences of commentary per one sentence of quotation
• Thoughtful
• Reflective
Paragraph 4 18 • Provides an analysis/reflection of how “An Immolation” responds to colonialism
• Cites the poem appropriately
• At least three sentences of commentary per one sentence of quotation
• Thoughtful
• Reflective
Paragraph 5 18 • Reflects on which literature was most resonant and why
• Substantiates claims with evidence and quotations
• Cites sources appropriately
• At least three sentences of commentary per one sentence of quotation
• Thoughtful
• Reflective

Use these databases to get started on researching your topics for this assignment:

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