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Open Textbooks for Sociology
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Open Textbooks for Sociology
Principles of Sociology
Social Problems
Social Psychology
Introduction to Sociology, 3rd. Ed. from OpenStax
OpenStax at Rice University
Introduction to Sociology by LaTasha Sarpy, Bunker Hill Community College
Achieving the Dream
Introduction to Sociology by Dina Radeljas, Mohawk Valley Community College
Achieving the Dream
Sociology by Curtis Ogland, Alamo Colleges
Achieving the Dream
Introductory Sociology by Bill Pelz, Herkimer County Community College
Achieving the Dream
Introductory Sociology from Florida State College at Jacksonville
Achieving the Dream
Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World from University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Open Textbook Library by the University of Minnesota
Introduction to Sociology, 2nd Canadian Ed. by William Little
BC Open Collection by BCcampus
A Quick Guide to Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences by Christine Davies, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Open Textbook Library by the University of Minnesota
Principles of Sociological Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods by Amy Blackstone
BC Open Collection by BCcampus
Children, Families, Schools, and Communities by Joan Giovannini, Holyoke Community College
ROTEL Project Pressbooks
Social Problems: Continuity and Change by Dr. Tim McLean
Achieving the Dream
Sexuality, the Self, and Society by Susan Rahman
Open Textbook Library by the University of Minnesota
Introduction to Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies from UMass Amherst
Open Textbook Library by the University of Minnesota
Cases on Social Issues: For Class Discussion, 2nd Ed. from Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Open Textbook Library by the University of Minnesota
Global Women's Issues: Women in the World Today from United States Department of State Bureau of International Information Programs
BC Open Collection by BCcampus
Principles of Social Psychology by Bill Pelz
Achieving the Dream
Principles of Social Psychology, 1st International H5P Ed., by Rajiv Jhangiani and Hammond Tarry
BC Open Collection by BCcampus
Together: The Science of Social Psychology by R. Biswas-Diener and E. Diener
BC Open Collection by BCcampus
Open Collections, Repositories
Content forthcoming.
Open Courses
SOC 101 – Intro to Sociology from Open Course Library
2013. Contains syllabus, readings, units.
Sociology of Family BCcampus
2023. Contains syllabus, assignments, sample exam, and reading material.
Social Psychology from MIT OpenCourseware
2013. Includes lecture notes, assignments, and instructor insights.
Gender, Sexuality, And Society from MIT OpenCoursware
2006. Contains syllabus, readings, lecture notes, and assignments.
Feminist Thought from MIT OpenCourseware
2014. Contains syllabus, readings, lecture notes, and assignments.
Identity And Difference from MIT OpenCourseware
2010. Contains syllabus, readings, lecture notes, and assignments.
Drugs, Politics, And Culture from MIT OpenCourseware
2006. Contains syllabus, readings, lecture notes, assignments, and exams.
Introduction To Women's And Gender Studies from MIT OpenCourseware
2023. Contains syllabus, readings, lecture notes, and assignments.
Sexual And Gender Identities from MIT OpenCourseware
2016. Contains syllabus, readings, film guide, and assignments.
Visual Resources, Images
Please see the "
Open Image Databases
" tab on the main page.
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