Make sure that you have signed up to receive emergency text alerts from the college. Pay attention to text messages and emails from the college as your supervisor may or may not be able to contact you. In the case of unexpected closures due to inclement weather or other reasons, part-time staff will be paid for their scheduled shifts. Your supervisor will key in the missed shift for you.
The Emergency Exit door is located along the windows, towards the back of the learning commons (beneath the red, "Exit" sign). If there is an emergency, please use this door if it is the closest exit.
Occasionally, someone may try to enter or exit the building through the emergency exit door along the windows. Under those circumstances, we have a key in the Work Room cabinet (on the right of the inside of the door with a red keychain) to turn off and then reset the alarm. Insert the key on the side of the door. Turn it right to turn off the alarm (it can be a little sticky), then turn the key left to turn the alarm back on. After a second, there will be two confirmation beeps to alert that the alarm has been reset.
The Lone Star College Police Department is on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For police services, call 281-290-5911 (5911 from a campus phone) to be connected to a state licensed police dispatcher.
Effective 10/01/2018, you will see/experience changes with the classroom phones. You will find stickers placed on the phone with dialing instructions.
There is one classroom phone in each Computer Lab that has this recording—Reference Desk phones do not.
There is a First Aid Kit in the Workroom (LIB 101) if you ever need something, like a bandage for a paper cut. The pain is REAL!
Our First Aid Kit is available to everyone—staff, students, and community members. They must ask/give consent for the kit and we provide the items. We do not assist.
The kit is on the first column of the second row of shelves—left of the storage cabinet. There is an additional plastic tub of additional first aid items.
These contain:
If you notice we are out of items or they have expired, please contact Jennifer Martinez, Division Operation Manager, to let her know.
Jennifer Sevin is the Environ. Health & Life Safety representative on our campus and will do a followup.
Panic buttons are installed at each station of the service desk. They are located under the counter to the right or left end of the station.
The buttons are to be used only in emergency situations where it is not safe to pick up a phone to call the police.
Insert your finger into the opening and push down to activate the silent alarm. This alerts the police and they will come to investigate.
In the off circumstance where the alarm is accidentally activated, push it back up. The alarm will not deactivate until the police come to investigate.
Download from the Apple Store or Google Play “MyEOP” (Organization Code: Lonestar) for general emergency instructions and LSC contact information.
(Look for this in your app store)
The LoneStarCollegeAlert page has information on the campus closing due to inclement weather, weather tracking resources, and procedures for emergency situations (including non-weather).
For more information about staying safe, please check out the links below.