Read the Learning Commons Manual & Resources. It was created to help you!
There is also a general section in the LC Manual similarly called Best Practices which is more detailed.
Look Up!
Reporting Time:
Each shift:
Swapping Shifts:
Working with Students:
Work room and Offices:
Clean Up!
Answer the phones with “Lone Star College-Kingwood Learning Commons, this is _____.”
FYI: There are three phones at the Service Desk.
How to call out
Who ya gonna call?
If there is not a PT Reference Librarian working, do not call Hope or Brittany to the Service Desk unless Hope or Brittany specifically instruct you to do so that day. Instead, let the patron know that a reference librarian may be in later in the day or the next day and suggest they make an appointment or use the CHAT option if they need help right away. Don’t forget to put a tally mark on your Daily Report about a reference librarian not being available.
If someone calls or stops by to leave a message with a colleague and you know that colleague is not available, try the following:
Anne McGittigan- Direct Supervisor of the LC Service Desk employees. Hires, schedules, approves time, and does general onboarding training for the Specialist IIIs. Anne mentors the Specialist IIIs in professionalism, customer service, and LC/LSC policies and protocols. She also addresses performance and behavioral issues and provides professional support regarding day-to-day activities and concerns. Anne is also the Circulation and ID station trainer. Questions about Circulation, Reserves, and general day to day issues go to Anne.
Allison Huffy- Tech Liaison and content mentor for both the Tech Station and the Tutoring Station. She provides content-focused training and support for both the Tech Station and Tutoring station. She is also the troubleshooter for all Technology in the space (including the printers, scanners, laptops, one button studio and mediascapes.) She also troubleshoots technology programs including pharos, guest access, Microsoft office, and D2L. In addition to answering Tech related questions, she handles the schedules of the Tutors and answers training related questions about WC Online.